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Ing. Mag.(FH) Thomas Kellner
Court-appointet appraiser für real estate appraisals

The Austrian "Wohnungseigentumsgesetz",  the "Mietrechtsgesetz" or the the "Wohngemeinnützigkeitsgesetz"  are often difficult to understand.

What costs may be passed on to the tenant and which are not? How do I know that my billing is correct?

We therefore offer our customers the possibility to check rental agreements or operating cost statements for their correctness or legality, and we will gladly help you with legal questions.

We are also pleased to prepare a comprehensive report, which can also be used for submitting legal disputes.

E-mail: kellnerkmw-realat
Tel.: +43 676/5917979


Mag.(FH) Gerard Mayer

Certified real estate appraiser

As real estate trustees, we have the expertise to carry out valuations of real estate on the basis of our academic training. Various circumstances require an evaluation by an independent expert. Expertises are prepared for:

- Purchase and sale of real estate
- Classic lending and valuation Banks and insurance companies
- Division of marital assets
- Family allowances
- Right of residence and leave of absence
- Valuation of real estate portfolios
-Financial office
- Real estate prices

Our comprehensive knowledge of the market coupled with know-how and independent opinion Our advantage, in order to present you a professional evaluation of your property

E-mail: mayerkmw-realat
Tel.: +43 676 4757878